<%@ CodeTemplate Inherits="CodeTemplate" language="C#" TargetLanguage="Text" Description="NetTiers main template."Debug="True" ResponseEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%-- 加载访问数据库的组件SchemaExplorer,并声明其使用的命名空间 --%> <%@ Assembly Name="SchemaExplorer" %> <%@ Import Namespace="SchemaExplorer" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Text" %> <%@ Assembly Name="System.Data" %> <%@ Assembly Name="CodeSmith.BaseTemplates" %> <%@ Import Namespace="CodeSmith.BaseTemplates" %> <%@ Assembly Name="CodeSmith.CustomProperties" %> <%@ Import Namespace="CodeSmith.CustomProperties" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Text.RegularExpressions" %> <%@ Property Name="Namespace" Type="String" Category="Context" Description="NameSpace"%> <%@ Property Name="Author" Type="String" Category="Context" Description="Author" Default="chenr"%> <%@ Property Name="ViewPrefix" Type="System.String" Default="T" Category="Context" Description="The prefix to remove from table names" %> <%@ Property Name="ViewName" Type="ViewSchema" DeepLoad="True" Optional="False" Category="Context" Description="" %> /*------------------------------------------------ // File Name:<%=ClearPrefix(ViewName.Name) %>.cs // File Description:<%=ClearPrefix(ViewName.Name) %> SQL Server DataBase Access // Author:<%=Author%> // Create Time:<%= DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")%> //------------------------------------------------*/ using System; using System.Text; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using <%=Namespace%>.DBUtility; using <%=Namespace%>.IDAL; using <%=Namespace%>.Model; namespace <%=Namespace%>.SQLServerDAL { ////// <%=ClearPrefix(ViewName.Name) %> DAL /// public partial class <%=ClearPrefix(ViewName.Name) %>: I<%=ClearPrefix(ViewName.Name) %> { #region Method ////// 得到最大ID /// public int GetMaxId(string colName) { return DbHelperSQL.GetMaxID(colName, "<%=ClearPrefix(ViewName.Name) %>"); //DbHelperSQL.RunProcedure("tTest_GetMaxId","",out rowsAffected); //return rowsAffected; } ////// 是否存在该记录 /// public bool Exists() { return true; } ////// 获得数据列表 /// public DataSet GetList(string strWhere) { StringBuilder strSql=new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("select <%= GetAllRows(ViewName)%>"); strSql.Append(" FROM <%=ClearPrefix(ViewName.Name) %> "); if(strWhere.Trim()!="") { strSql.Append(" where "+strWhere); } return DbHelperSQL.Query(strSql.ToString()); } ////// 获得前几行数据 /// public DataSet GetList(int Top,string strWhere,string filedOrder) { StringBuilder strSql=new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("select "); if(Top>0) { strSql.Append(" top "+Top.ToString()); } strSql.Append(" <%= GetAllRows(ViewName)%> "); strSql.Append(" FROM <%=ClearPrefix(ViewName.Name) %> "); if(strWhere.Trim()!="") { strSql.Append(" where "+strWhere); } strSql.Append(" order by " + filedOrder); return DbHelperSQL.Query(strSql.ToString()); } ////// 获取记录总数 /// public int GetRecordCount(string strWhere) { StringBuilder strSql=new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("select count(*) FROM <%=ClearPrefix(ViewName.Name) %> "); if(strWhere.Trim()!="") { strSql.Append(" where "+strWhere); } object obj = DbHelperSQL.GetSingle(strSql.ToString()); if (obj == null) { return 0; } else { return Convert.ToInt32(obj); } } ////// 分页获取数据列表 /// public DataSet GetListByPage(string strWhere, string orderby, int startIndex, int endIndex) { StringBuilder strSql=new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("SELECT * FROM ( "); strSql.Append(" SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ("); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby.Trim())) { strSql.Append("order by T." + orderby ); } strSql.Append(")AS Row, T.* from <%=ClearPrefix(ViewName.Name) %> T "); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strWhere.Trim())) { strSql.Append(" WHERE " + strWhere); } strSql.Append(" ) TT"); strSql.AppendFormat(" WHERE TT.Row between {0} and {1}", startIndex, endIndex); return DbHelperSQL.Query(strSql.ToString()); } #endregion Method #region MethodEx #endregion MethodEx } }